tirsdag, januar 03, 2006

Om lovsang - av Martin Smith

Et lite utdrag av noe Martin Smith nylig har skrevet om lovsang:

So worship is more than music and songs then,more than cds and concerts.Worship it seems is about us,our life,the way we behave ,the way we sacrifice our lives,the ability to stay pure and keep our hands clean.(Psalm 24)
So what does this mean in reality,in the every day hum drum of life.I believe God gave us hands to raise in worship and adoration to him and he also called us to take those hands and help the world around us.One cannot exist without the other and they go very much 'hand in hand'.To be just a people who praise God without a care for others or the Godless culture around us is a conflict in itself and a religious oxy-moron.Also it is a travesty to be a social 'do-gooder' without knowing the power of the holy spirit and a heart to simply 'adore' Jesus the one ultimatley who is the worlds saviour.
Worship without mission is like an aeoroplane without adequate fuel.It will only take you so far until it will crash back to earth with serious consequences.The call of God to his people is to "love mercy" (Micah 6 vs 8) ,love our neighbour,care for single mums,visit the prisoners, feed the poor, rescue abused children and whatever God asks you to do.
Worship,worship,worship and more worship ,raise your hands to Jesus.Mission,mission,mission and more mission, be the hands of Jesus.Now is the time to 'be' church and not just act like church.It's a great time to be alive and if we 'believe' in what we believe in then change on a global scale is possible.What we need is 'worship' for the 'workers' and 'workers' who worship like King David and love singing with the angels in heaven.

Martin Smith 29.11.05

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